
*God is without names and attributes. He possesses absolute power. Attributes, defining things and man relatively, can be applied not to the Creator but to the created.

* God is above simile or comparison, as anything that can be compared or analyzed in relation to something else is incomplete in that it lacks some of the characteristics of the other. Therefore God resembles none but Himself alone.

* God can be influenced by nothing, and is unchanging. All created beings are bound by His laws. There is no creature that contains so much as a particle of Him; thus the totality of the creation cannot be said to amount to God. God is in a state of absolute tranquility, balance, motionlessness and perfection.

* God cannot be attained. There is an inaccessibility between God and created beings, as God is without time or space. Whatever a being may do, it can never by any means arrive at Him. Creation is eternal and infinite, but God is the Creator of eternity and infinity.

* God relates to man by means of His laws. All universes and all creation exist through His laws.

* For God, all beings are one, whole and perfect. As the surface of a sphere is equidistant from its center at all points, so it is with the creatures and their Creator.

* God cannot be comprehended. However much a man may advance, he can never possess any kind of conception of God, because he does not have the capacity to obtain such an understanding. Only by studying himself and Nature and thus learning God's Laws can he attain some inkling of God. No being can grasp the absolute God but He Himself.


* In essence, the spirit was created perfect, it has neither twin nor anything similar to it. It cannot be divided into parts, decreased or increased. Consciousness, will and imagination are among its faculties. The spirit has knowledge of God, but is not God.

* The spirit is immortal. In its essence it possesses infinite power; this power can never be diminished or destroyed. Spirit is Life and Life is Spirit.

* The spirit is conscious and has a purpose; that is, the spirit has an aim, a mission. There is no station that interferes with or controls it, because the spirit, created by God with consciousness and will, is capable of controlling not only itself but matter as well. Spirits direct and rule the universe in accordance with the laws of the Creator. There is no end or limit either to this direction and rule of the universe, or to spiritual evolution.

* The material cosmos is the work of the spirit. A spirit is a being that must remain in constant, endless action. This means that its degree of influence is also limitless. The spirit, possessing will and power, is forever shaping matter and preventing its dissolution. In doing this, the spirit observes material laws. Every atom is under the influence of the spirit. God creates; the spirit gives form to the creation.

* The spirit is ever-evolving. The evolution of spirits means the development of their relationship with matter.

* It is possible to communicate with spirits. Mediums are sensitive people with special capabilities who mediate between spirits and man. The spiritual messages can come in the form of inspiration, intuition, dreams, verbal communication or writing. All sacred books consist of messages from the spiritual realm given by way of mediators to the prophets. Man is not bound by his five senses; by virtue of his spirit he possesses endless senses and abilities. Through the strength of his spirit, man can know the thoughts that pass through the minds of others, heal the sick, move objects without physically touching them, and prophesy the future. The spirit is the reason behind all miracles and wonders.

* We cannot know the spirit with our senses, for it is not something to be grasped with our hands or seen with our eyes. Being beyond time and space, the spirit cannot be understood or explained in sensual terms. In this respect any definition of it will be lacking and insufficient. The spirit can only be known through its effects and manifestations. We cannot see electricity itself, but we know its influence in the form of heat and light. Likewise we cannot see the spirit, but we are aware of its life- and consciousness-giving effects.


* Man consists of spirit and body. Spirit and body are a whole, like the front and back of a piece of fabric. For this reason man has both material and spiritual characteristics. His supreme and dominant aspect is his spirit; the body is but a temporary vehicle. The body is kept alive and directed by the spirit. The immortal spirit makes use of countless bodies in the process of its evolution and when its work is finished, it leaves them behind in the world. Without the influence of the spirit (the driver), the body (the vehicle) is worthless. Thus man is not a body with a spirit but a spirit with a body.

* The spirit is not inside the body. There is no bodily organ that the spirit occupies. But the spirit is also not outside the body because there is no concept of place for the spirit. Spirit utilizes and rules over the body by its influence.

* Before birth a life-plan is prepared. A spirit that for the sake of its evolution must again attach itself to a body first plans the work it will do in the world, i.e. it prepares its own destiny. The time, place, family, race, sex, etc. in which it will manifest in the world are pre-ordained. However, this plan is not a hundred percent certain. For example, no immutable life-span figures in this plan, for the important thing is not the length or brevity of the life-span but the work accomplished and the knowledge acquired.

* That which dies is the body, not the spirit. To die is but to be born into the spirit world. It is obvious that a person ignorant of this fact will fear death. Death is as a natural law as normal as birth, and is only valid for the body. What we call death is the final breach in the relationship between the flesh and the spirit. After fulfilling its mission in this world and gaining the required knowledge, the spirit leaves the body.

* A man can be judged by nothing other than his own conscience. Living as he does in a state of restricted consciousness in this world, man's rational conscience is his only guide. And God's Laws have so ordered it that he is answerable only to his conscience. There is no court or station that can call into account or judge a man for what he has done. For a spirit is not sent into the world to be called into account but to carry out a divine mission, and it cannot act outside the boundaries of that mission. The spirit that has departed from its body will try itself in the court of its own conscience.

* The realm beyond has a substantial structure of its own. Its space and time are unique to itself. It consists of vibrations whose frequencies range from the coarse to an ever-increasing refinement. Beings reside there at a level in tune with their own vibrational powers and frequencies.

* Life in the realm beyond is unlike that of this world, because the substance, time, vibration and laws are very different. The being that leaves its earthly body and migrates to the other world is at first in a state of confusion. If it has no prior knowledge of that realm it has great difficulty adapting. At first it is in like a dream state. Usually the being is unaware of its own death. With time its muddled consciousness begins to clear slowly. After it understands that it has left its body, its entire life passes like a movie before its eyes and it begins to judge its worldly existence. For its positive or righteous actions it feels joy, and for its negative or evil behavior, remorse.


* All created beings evolve. All people, objects, happenings — in short, all creation — is changed, transformed, and developed by the passage through various states. At the root of humanity there is always an advancement and development taking place; evolution necessitates this. Life is dominated not by chaos but by an order and balance.

* There is no end to evolution because there is no end to life. Therefore, however much a being may develop, it will never reach the end of its evolution.

* This world is one of the schools of evolution found throughout the endless universe. Just as God Himself is infinite, so too are His knowledge and the evolutionary environments infinite. Every corner of the universe is teeming with living beings. Every environment is a place for evolution, and by living there beings gain knowledge and experience. They are reborn again and again until they graduate from the world. Reincarnation is a divine law implemented to facilitate evolution.

* Evolution cannot be completed in a single lifetime. Even if we consider only that part of eternal evolution that the knowledge and experience of this world occupies, the time and energy available in a single human lifespan is still inadequate for acquiring that much knowledge and experience. Moreover, the activities that can be carried out in so short a span are further limited by bodily, social and natural restrictions. For this reason, through rebirths, new possibilities present themselves and evolution is accelerated.

* People evolve by helping one another. According to Universal Law, it is impossible for anyone to evolve in solitude. One can only learn to share, work together, cooperate and love within a community. Only by unconditional material and spiritual service to others and by knowing them as one knows oneself  can one advance and develop.

* Worldly life is for the evolution of living beings. The cosmic order is secured through the perfect functioning of laws. No being can take any action independent of these laws. Therefore, just as there is no coincidence, there are also no useless or meaningless actions. Whether we know it or not, every action has a cause and a result. It is impossible for this result to upset the balance of the universe, which means that whatever a man may do, he still evolves spiritually but he cannot escape facing the consequences of his behavior. The choice is left to Man, because he is a being responsible for his deeds.

* Evolution is realized step-by-step. Through repeated incarnations the spiritual being increases its knowledge and experience in the substantial universes and thus continues down its eternal evolutionary path. At last it comes to such a stage that it becomes liberated from the need for bodily rebirth. One of the purposes of evolution is for spirits to reach a level of influence so as to be able to enforce the divine order in nature in proportion to their capacities. For this reason, spirits must learn and apply natural material laws.


* In order to evolve, men are born again. The spirit makes use of the human body to research and learn the Divine Laws distributed all over  the universe. But this knowledge cannot be obtained in a single bodily lifetime, because knowledge is infinite. Spirits are reincarnated throughout the universe. With each incarnation they gain a bit more knowledge and experience, and thus they advance. There is no regression, that is, man will always be reborn as man; he is never punished by being reborn as a plant or animal. The spirit is not a man; neither is it a plant or an animal. These are evolutionary vehicles. For this reason the spirit uses plant, animal and human bodies. With each new incarnation it takes on a new role. Each time the spirit plays a different role on the world stage, and when it has completed its performance, it exits.

* Why can't we remember our past lives? Because that which forgets is the bodily memory; the spirit never forgets anything. For the spirit just beginning a new life in a new body to be able to succeed in its earthly mission, it is necessary for it to forget its previous existences. To remember our past life means to know the purpose of our present one, but the purpose of worldly life is to gain experience through a show of effort and trial and error. For this reason it simplifies matters greatly for us to forget our past lives.

* Past lives can be remembered spontaneously and through experiment.

* It is through reincarnation that true justice is achieved. For just as the Ruling of the Universe, which grants some people longevity, wealth, health, beauty and fortune while others are dealt a short life, poverty, illness, ugliness and bad fortune, is not in the hands of a god who acts on whim, it is also not in the hands of coincidence. Everything in the universe unfolds according to God's established laws. There is no coincidence. Thus true justice is ensured through the Law of Cause and Effect. There is always a divine balancing going on. The above-mentioned material values are vehicles to help a spirit increase its knowledge and experience. They are relative values and remain behind in the world.

* Man forms his own destiny, because God has created this capacity in His creatures. In the substantial universe everything operates in harmony with the Law of Cause and Effect. This law requires that we reap what we sow. Everything that we experience and that happens to us in this life is the natural result of the things we did in our previous lives. One life affects the next one. Each new life is the result of the one before it. Just as God decrees evil for no one, He also shows no one favor; whatever their language, religion, sex, race or nationality may be, all men are one in His eyes. Man possesses free will bound only by the limits of his own knowledge and experience; he is capable of choice. According to the Law of Cause and Effect, both good and evil are from man and there is never any question of injustice. However miserable our course in life, we have no right to blame God or anyone else. Man himself is responsible for everything. The duty to choose rests with him alone.

* Man is not punished for his mistakes but is given an opportunity to rectify them. For God in His infinite perfection did not create the perfect spirit to be reprimanded or punished for its material inexperience. There is no fire in any corner of the universe that can burn the spirit. Because of the conditions prevailing in this world, the spirit that is evolving here by means of a physical body can only gain knowledge through trial and error and by making mistakes.


* We must not become passionately attached to anything, because all that we possess in life is temporary and has been given to us by the Spiritual Rule as a tool to facilitate our evolution. We reach certain objectives by using these things. The greed we feel for the material objects that we will one day have to leave behind stems from selfishness. And selfishness is against the universal Law of Mutual Assistance.
* In all things we must employ our reason and our conscience. They are the only two guides that will offer us light and illuminate our path. The conscience is the voice of the spirit, and even if he should suffer some material loss, so long as a man heeds that voice he progresses spiritually. Acting in accordance with the admonitions of the conscience leads man to the accomplishment of the greatest purpose of life: learning the universal laws. Instead of silencing and muffling this voice, it should be strengthened with understanding and conscious action. The conscience is the measure of our obedience of natural Laws. Man's moral teacher is the conscience within him. Where the conscience is restricted there can be no growth. True love is born when the conscience has been fortified.

* We must know how to draw lessons from every event. There are no purposeless, meaningless or random happenings in the cosmos. Each event takes place within the framework of the Law of Cause and Effect, and always contains some knowledge, whether hidden or obvious, for the benefit of mankind. For this reason it is necessary to observe all happenings carefully and to understand their language. The Spiritual Rulers have us live many things for the sake of our development. Man can only advance in this world through suffering, because he has bound himself to so many things that it pains him to distance himself from them. But even if it is painful, man has to break away from his arrogance, pride, jealousy, offensiveness, stinginess and selfishness. To fail to put himself through this, to think only of his own benefit at the expense of others, and to imagine that in this he will be happy, is self-deception. True happiness is found only through serving and loving others selflessly.

* We must know and master ourselves. Life gains value not through thinking of our own comfort and benefit and chasing after illusions of happiness, but through striving to know ourselves, that is, our true essences. The man who is not a master of himself is but a slave to his body and senses.

*We must always think and behave positively. It is not important what a man is, but what he does and with what intention he does it. Man is responsible not only for his deeds but for his thoughts as well. Therefore he must look on all his works as the work of God and try with all his capacity to carry them out in the best possible way, without concern for material or spiritual compensation.

* We must know others as we know ourselves, for the true essence of man is spirit. That which makes us different from other people is but the temporary body. Beneath the bodily veil all men are the same. Thus the ones who know this reality must show love, kindness, mercy and tolerance to all people and help them to realize the truth. The social classes into which people have divided themselves are false and imaginary. For behind the human body, whatever its language, religion, sex, race or economic condition, there are spiritual beings that are, in essence, equal. Every man is a spiritual being that has descended into this world to evolve. For this reason, with the trials and examinations that we will all pass through, we are students of the same school and passengers on the same ship, and as such we must help each other .

* No man is ever left alone, helpless and without hope. For the protective hand of the Spiritual Rule is ever over us. To ensure our advancement it helps us in every way.


* Just as the human body is directed by the spirit, so also is the world ruled by sublime spirits. This community of sublime spirits is called "The World Spiritual Ruling Mechanism", or the "Spiritual Ruling Mechanism".

* Every planet has a spiritual ruling mechanism..

* All spiritual rulers are bound to a higher rule.

* Spiritual rulers are bound to and act in accordance with the divine laws.

* Various spiritual rulers, under the provisions of God's Laws, direct the evolution any process on Earth, creating the opportunities for spiritual growth and passing men through myriad examinations. They offer us every assistance to ensure our success.

* Thanks to the protection and supervision of the spiritual rulers, evolution proceeds without hitches or delays. They give life's events direction. The beginning and the end of all things are under the jurisdiction of the spiritual rulers who are enforcing divine laws.

* Spiritual rulers educate men. To this end prophets, saints, great teachers and guides have been sent to the world with the special mission of imparting knowledge in various languages.

* The World Spiritual Rule ensures that man, by use of his own will and freedom, perceives, understands and carries out his mission within the general flow of life. Thus all spiritual beings, whether incarnate or disincarnate, climb the hierarchic steps and learn to take on responsibility and participate in the Universal Rule.


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