18.04.2014 I heard it when the candle was speaking

 http://www.dunyaana.com/images/crc11c.jpgPeople can attain any kind of knowledge on any subject easily. Whatever the subject is the knowledge is sometimes learnt thoroughly but sometimes and most of the time it is learnt incompletely. Knowing a subject thoroughly doesn’t mean having a good command of the knowledge of that subject . There is an action which is called the digestion of the kwowledge. If a being is weak in mightness and has a lot of knowledge, the knowlege will not serve that being at once. It is because of the undigested knowlege the being has. Undigested knowledge is the knowledge that hasn’t appeared on the field of application. A being can obtain any kind of knowledge. Being able to put these into practice depends on the mightiness of the being which is to say on his command of putting these into the field of application. Mighty beings are those that can turn knowledge into action. Can you put into practice every nice piece of knowledge? Your answer is neither yes nor no. You can not say a definite yes or no. Because you apply the parts of the knowledge which are sympathetic to you and leave out the parts that are antipathetic to you. In other words in order to expand your mightiness you are putting into practice what you know. If here and now you wonder how mightiness could be expanded, the answer for this is the ability to put all that you know into practice. That is to say the ratio of putting what you know into practice determines your mightiness. noted down by: me