Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 5 July 2012, honor, courage. These are the attributes of the men and women who are today on your front lines making the arrests that your people of Earth have demanded and that are opening the door to freedom, sovereignty and prosperity for every man, woman and child who calls your planet Earth their home. What we are seeing in your world the last few days is a monumental site to behold, as doors are being broken down that have stood between you and the world that you all deserve, a world that has been possible for all of you for a very long time. We are delighted to report that the arrests of the members of your criminal cabal are proceeding and are proceeding smoothly and efficiently, with no problems, delays or obstacles presenting themselves that will slow or hinder in any way the delivery of the new world that, by decree, the people of your world demand for themselves and their families.

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Message from SaLuSa for 30 March 2012 cannot be but a short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but those who cast doubt or reject us will soon be overshadowed through acceptance by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their control over you.

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 20-June-2012 are getting so near to some real action that will leave you in no doubt that you are about to witness the beginning of the end of the dark Ones. It is all arranged and cannot be held up much longer. Even so you will be surprised at what is about to occur, and astonished that an operation of such size has been mounted. The planning has been meticulous to ensure that the arrests are as far as possible carried out in the least possible time. Be assured that the evidence of criminal actions by each individual has been carefully documented, and is sufficient to uphold the charges that will be made.

The Illuminati are shocked at the speed with which their fortunes have changed, and never thought that they would have to answer for their crimes against Humanity.

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SaLuSa – 7/6/2012 not let your guard down after such a long time lifting yourself up into the Light. At present there is much disinformation being spread, but not always deliberate and sometimes by people of good intent that are simply uninformed. Also strong beliefs are difficult to change when often they are planted in your mind at a very young age. Those that have sought to mislead you have been very clever and even altered your history to persuade you their teachings are correct. We will therefore have quite a task on our hands to put right much that is given to you as factual when it is false. This also applies to the sciences that have made their proclamations without understanding the more spiritual aspects of life and how they fit in. Your intuition is, and always will be your best guide, but by all means consider any source of information that you are comfortable with as a means of verification.

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Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 1 July 2012 must take place for these arrests that so many are hoping upon as the end of their old way of life that no longer serves their higher good and the beginning of their new way of life that will allow them to experience more of what this universe and their Creator offers them as his children who deserve all the gifts that he has created and that he has shared with his other children from other worlds. You are not the only children of our Creator. Our Creator has many children living throughout the far stretches of his magnificent home and all of these children, with no exceptions, enjoy his love, his protection, his gifts, his guidance and the wonderful experience of growing up learning and playing in this joyous wonderland of love, adventure and excitement, joy and bliss, challenges and friendship.

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