Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 24, 2015

crc4mWe often speak of the importance of the elements of surrender, faith, flow and trust. We have been asked the difference between faith and trust, and we are happy to clarify that for you.
Faith is the belief that there is something that exists that is bigger than you. It does not matter if you call it God, or Source, or Creator, or Goddess. You could even simply call it “more” if you do not know exactly what you believe. Faith is simply the acknowledgement that there is something vaster than your individuated aspect of self.
Trust is the belief that not only is there something bigger than you, that bigger something has your back. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel - Daily Messages - Monday November 23, 2015 Ones, you do not have to have the skill of spirit communication to work with us. We are always here to serve and assist you, in fact, it is our greatest pleasure! So how do you work with us? Through surrender and flow. Ask for our help! Allow yourselves to be led. It is by choosing surrender and flow, and staying there with your faith and trust, that you will have the tangible experience of how loved and assisted you truly are. So let go, know we will guide you tenderly and lovingly, watch for the signs and synchronicities, and allow the magic to happen. It is available to you right now. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel -Daily Message- Sunday November 22, 2015 Ones, we understand you have a great desire to express yourselves in more enlightened and empowered ways. This does not come from resisting what you do not want, or learning how to overcome what you do not want. It comes from embracing and working with the elements that allow you to begin to experience those new ways of being.

For example, you cannot learn patience by pushing against impatience. To do so would create a constant state of resistance, which is contrary to surrender and flow, and will always feel uncomfortable. The true experience of patience naturally occurs from the practice of acceptance and allowing.

The model that supports your experiencing all the higher attributes you are seeking is surrender, faith, flow, gratitude, trust, acceptance and allowing. This is the foundation that will support the peace, harmony, unconditional love and unity consciousness you are all desiring. It is what activates the path of grace, ease and beingness. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel - Daily Messages - Saturday November 21, 2015 Ones, the energies of what you would deem to be wrong are simply there for you to find a new focus on what you wish to experience and create. Do not get hung up on the "wrongness" of anything, because to do so is to spin your wheels in the energy of what you do not want. Rather, consider what is undesired to be a redirectional tool that gives you clarity and points you in the direction of what you prefer. It is the preferences of the collective - those choosing love, peace, harmony, unity - that will continue to drive the shift on your planet and anchor that which you truly want. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday November 20, 2015

adana3 cJust as you are in the process of creating a new you, and a new world, your relationships will be shifting and evolving, as well. What do you want your relationships to evolve into? What old conditioning is it time you left behind? What new templates would you like to create for relationships moving forward?
As this grand shift continues, no area of your life will go unaffected. So many of you are in relationship patterns that were never a match to you in the first place, but rather conditioning from your families and society. When was the last time you stopped to ask yourself if those ways were in line with what you believe and wish to experience?

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