Give me This but Not That November 11, 2012

Detachment is one of our hardest lessons, especially when it involves someone or something we care deeply about. It is easy to detach from things we can easily release, or practice acceptance with someone whose actions do not touch our hearts. In those cases we say ‘this and not that’, give me the lesson but don’t involve this person, open the doors to a new opportunity but don’t take me out of my comfort zone, let me separate from this situation but don’t let it impact that person. But we have to take a different approach if we are to manifest from a place of wholeness and be open to limitlessness.

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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ Weekly Update~ Cleansing Continues Beloved Ones,

The purification that is required in order to allow a greater connection with your Higher Self is now taking place. This will continue for the next months and you will find yourselves expressing in ways you never have before. You will feel calmer and more peaceful within. The intensity of the energies has been washing away all that has been holding you back from going forward in a confident manner and you will soon be picking up the torch of a higher way of expression.

The issues and situations that have been unresolved in the people around you are coming up to be looked at with greater scrutiny and these issues are being resolved in a peaceful and loving manner.

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SaLuSa 27-June-2012 is taking place but as you have realized it still does not hit the main Press outlets, but the news will become so important that a point will come when it can no longer be hidden or ignored. Governments like to be in control and have always tried to cover up news about demonstrations or rebellions amongst the people. However, once the media gets hold of the real truth behind what is happening, they will take the side of the people. Naturally there will still be those who take a defensive view of the happenings, fearing that the changes are going to seriously affect them. People do not want to face the idea that they are about to lose their power, or in some cases their ill gotten wealth. No one will escape the financial changes or sharing of wealth, which shall be even greater by the inclusion of Trust Funds set up for this occasion.

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“Time is only a marker” Nov4 we would like to focus your attention on the illusion of time in your reality.  Many of you have lived your whole lives allowing “time” to dictate your every day.  But know that time is manmade, it isn’t “real” it is an illusion.  Many of you are experiencing time warps as the illusion continues to dissolve.  You will notice that there are times where you experience a rapid passing of” time”; you often wonder where all the “time went”.  There are other times where it may feel as though “time” has literally stopped.  This will continue to be more evident as you continue to increase your vibrations.

It is a common belief that you only have so much time in a day, or that you are allotted only so much time on Earth, or that all good things come to those who wait.  You entire lives revolve around the illusion of time. 

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"Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light (30th July) – 31 July 2012 harmony we will rise to any challenges set before us as we together begin the renewing of our bonds, our ties, our relationships, our love and service to each other, to this universe and to our Creator, the Creator of all things that we enjoy, that we love, that we cherish, that we save within our memories that have brought us happiness, pleasure and even pain sometimes, as all our experiences have brought us closer to the oneness of it all in this universe, closer to each other, closer to our higher selves and closer to our Creator who began all this for us to enjoy, to learn, to grow, to experience existence, experience life here in his magnificent universe. It is time to now begin the next steps on our journey together, steps that will bring you into a brand new world, a brand-new universe, for you will be leaving behind everything that you have come to know as your reality, for nothing will be the same for you once you step out through that door in the near days ahead, days that are approaching very rapidly for you as time is quickening.

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