SaLuSa 9-July-2012 you see going on outwardly or hear is happening, know that far more is taking place than what you are aware of. We are constantly helping our allies achieve their goals, and until the timing becomes urgent we avoid directly intervening. We will certainly be on watch to ensure our allies are safe, as although we know that the dark Ones are aware that their time is up they continue to represent a threat. Whatever delays have been experienced be assured that we make no change to our plans, and all intended actions will be completed. For us time does not have the same importance and using linear time is not how we operate, but so necessary for you to lead your lives.

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SaLuSa 12-October-2012 like you have had to experience delays, but as long as we can still complete our tasks as planned it does not cause us much concern. We can easily adjust to the different situations we confront, but for you it means more frustration because we cannot necessarily give you anything other than the bare details of what is happening. Viewing your activities we see so many groups grasping the mantle of freedom, and doing good work that is speeding up the inevitable end of the last cabal. We shall be there to give them a final push into oblivion, so that they will no longer pose a threat to you or us. That will be the signal for us to go speeding ahead with our mission. With the best will in the world the collapse of the economy is imminent and cannot be avoided. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempts of the dark Ones to hang on to what they still have, but their power is dwindling very quickly.

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SaLuSa 18-July-2012 For some time now we have been limiting the extent to which the dark Ones can interfere with your progress towards Ascension. Working with our allies, we have given them every opportunity to go forward with the changes. However there is still hesitancy in some quarters, but we wish to assure you that the time has come for you to take action. We know that you can succeed, and we will be overseeing what takes place. All of the Light forces are lined up against the dark Ones, and will ensure that you are able to complete your objectives to remove those who stand in your way. These measures will be the commencement of a whole string of moves to propel you into the New Age. What is happening is part of your battle against those who have plotted your demise, and it is important that you are seen to overcome them. Whatever course you adopt you will succeed, but we want you to abide by the "rules" that have been laid down. You do not need to meet fire with fire, as you have the Law on your side along with us and many great Beings of Light.

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SaLuSa 21-November-2012 You have a saying "that time waits for no man" and it is so, as those who are still slumbering are leaving themselves much to understand. It starts with those who do not believe that there is a God, yet blame God for what takes place in the world. We wish that they could see that everyone has been given freewill, and with it you have created exactly what you are experiencing. It would be easy for us to intervene, but in so doing we would take away your chance to see what your actions have brought about. Many still talk of extracting justice as they call it by attacking and destroying another group. They are seemingly unaware or deliberately overlooking the anger and hatred it causes. How many wars does it take for Man to realize that they are non-productive in achieving peace or a lasting settlement. The lesson never seems to be learnt that peace comes with accepting that you are all One, and living in harmony and love for all life.

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Beloved Ones,

There have been and will continue to be many, many downloads of energy, information and activations as is resonant with each person’s ability to safely integrate. You will find that each day the changes within you are taking place in a rapid manner and will find yourselves feeling more vitality, clarity and empowerment as the weeks and months continue. Whatever is still left within you that must be released will come up for review, understanding and transmutation into Light. All that was of lower density must be eliminated from every cell of your Being and there is no escape except through this purification process.

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